Alban Institute at Duke

Alban Institute at Duke Website
From their website…

If you want to move the world, move a congregation. The Alban Institute at Duke was founded in 1974 as a major resource for American congregations facing the challenges of a changing society. While today’s challenges are even more pressing than they were three decades ago, the opportunities have never been clearer for congregations to be vital communities of faith, health, and leadership. Alban stands at the forefront of knowledge and experience regarding congregational vitality and positive trends across denominations and faith traditions. Our work is helping shape the strong congregations of tomorrow.

Text Week

Text Week Website
From the website…

This site features a wide variety of resources for study and liturgy based on the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary* cycle. I intentionally include a diverse variety of resources for scripture study, reflection, and liturgy, and purposefully do not restrict the resources to any particular theological/ideological position, including my own. The site is a work-in-progress. I spend between 40 and 60 hours each week updating links and finding more resources to link.

The purpose of this website is to provide links to resources for study, reflection, and liturgy which correspond to the RCL readings you may be using for study, teaching & preaching. The lectionary tables on this site are the easiest way I could think of to provide easy, lectionary-relevant access to study and liturgy resources. I am not attempting to provide calendars for official readings for any particular denomination. Please check your denominational sources for the official readings for any particular occasion. If/when you find any errors at The Text This Week, I’d appreciate it if you’d let me know about them.

At The Text This Week, you will find conveniently organized links to a treasure of resources for study, reflection, and liturgy pertaining to each week’s lectionary texts – both as individual pericopes and as a group of readings within their liturgical setting – a virtual study desk of sorts, laid out for your weekly exegetical work. Try the Art Concordance if you’re looking for lists of artwork indexed according to Biblical themes. Currently, the art concordance and the movie concordance are not updated. I’m working toward an easier way to collect and manage this information.

Working Preacher

Working Preacher Website

From The Center for Biblical Preaching of Luther SeminaryFrom their website…The web’s newest, most helpful, and downright coolest resource for preachers.

Okay, so I realize that calling our site the “most helpful” and “downright coolest” resource for preachers may sound like a big claim. But I actually think it’s true. And, to be frank, if it does sound like we’re biting off a lot to chew on this small part of the web, I think that’s okay. Because our ambitions for this site run high. Really high.

In short, we’re out to inspire better preaching! We’re getting at that by offering timely, compelling, and trustworthy content for today’s working preachers. Further, we’re doing all this for free, as a ministry of the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. That’s right – all these resources are free, given away to inspire a more faithful and creative proclamation of the Word!