Stronger and Better Together: Joining Jesus in the Restoration of the World
The Southern Ohio Synod consists of congregations, individuals, clusters, conferences, organizations and synod staff members who ‘walk together in the way’ of Jesus Christ to work toward God’s purpose of restoring the world. We believe that together as a synod, we are able to accomplish things that we cannot do on our own. Indeed, the English word, ‘synod,’ is derived from two Greek words that denote the power of working together for a common purpose (syn – ‘together’ + hodos – ‘way’ = synodos).We are stronger and better together! Please explore the rest of our website to find ways that we are joining Jesus in the restoration of the world.
Funding the Vision
If you would like to help fund the vision of the Southern Ohio Mission Territory through a personal donation today, you can send a check to Southern Ohio Synod, 9200 Worthington Rd., Suite 140, Westerville, Ohio 43082 OR you can also make a donation to mission support or synod ministries online by clicking HERE to donate online using a credit card. Your contributions make possible our ability to better Clarify our faith, Collaborate among ourselves and with our partners/affiliates and communities to spread the gospel and Cultivate the harvest God has set before us.