Mission Support is the primary way in which congregations participate in the larger mission we share as the Southern Ohio Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

mission support image
Our congregations contribute to the Southern Ohio Synod, and the Synod sends 40% of unrestricted contributions to the ELCA for the work of the Churchwide expression, a significant proportion of which is redistributed to synods and congregations through programming and direct grants.

The remaining 60% of congregational contributions remains in the Southern Ohio Synod for our work in supporting and revitalizing congregations, calling and equipping both lay and rostered leaders, encouraging youth formation and leadership development, and supporting campus ministries, Lutheran Disaster Response, and new and renewing congregations through direct grants.

We are so grateful for your faithful partnership! Thank you for your commitment to the larger church and your support of the work we do better because we do it together.

We are Stronger and Better Together!

For more on how Mission Support works, see this article (with study guide): Mission Support: The lifeblood of the ELCA

Congregational Remittance Forms, as well as other resources for Congregational Treasurers and Financial Secretaries can be found here.

The Southern Ohio Synod’s Gift Policy can be found here.

Videos and other resources for sharing stories about the work of the Southern Ohio Synod can be found here. [Link to sub page 1]

Resources for sharing stories about the work of the ELCA can be found here.

Resources for Sharing Stories about the Southern Ohio Synod
