Ministry to young people in a congregational setting can come in various shapes and sizes. There is no “one way” to do ministry to children, youth, and families. Having said such, there are some basic philosophical concepts that are workable in most venues.
Our overall goal is to equip congregations with the knowledge and skills necessary to build a foundation that can lead to long-term sustainable ministry to young people.
To Start Click Here: Benefits Of Church Involvement
We Advocate…
That parents take the lead role in passing the faith on to their children
That congregations work to equip parents in their ministry to their children
Creating a healthy youth ministry culture in your congregation
Immersing young people in the life and mission of the church by helping youth to discover their gifts and talents and then by easing them into responsibilities utilizing those gifts and talents
Having a healthy balance of aged-based programming and interest-based ministry
Developing Faith Webs. The vision is to wrap our children and youth in a web of faith so loving and caring that they will know Jesus and always want to be a part of a local congregation. The goal being to have as many people of faith of all ages as possible in our children’s Web of Faith.
That since children’s flight patterns are pretty much set by age 12, that parents strive to have their children totally immersed in the church by sixth grade.
That the church building become a second home to young people (family celebrations, birthdays, graduation parties, etc…)
That children, youth, and families become involved in meaningful service projects.
That congregations develop “Impact Events.” An Impact Event is a reoccurring event that grows and develops into an “I wouldn’t miss it for anything” event.
That Youth Ministry is Youth Doing Ministry
That congregations consider outcome-based ministry. That is, developing a set of practical “Faith Skills/Assets” to be acquired by youth by the time they graduate from High School.