Invite Bishop Dillahunt to Preach/Preside at Your Congregation’s Worship ServiceThank you for your interest in sharing your service time with Bishop Dillahunt. So that we may better assist you, please complete the form below. The bishop's calendar fills up quickly, so please submit your request as far in advance as possible.Congregation Name: Congregation City: Pastor Name: Contact Name, if other than pastor: Daytime phone number of contact: Contact Email: Worship Service InformationA minimum of three preferred dates: Is this an anniversary service? —Please choose an option—YesNoIs this a new building service? —Please choose an option—YesNoIs this another special occasion? —Please choose an option—YesNoIf yes, please explain: Social time or lunch following the service? —Please choose an option—YesNoWould you like the bishop to: —Please choose an option—PreachPresideBothNeitherWhat book? What setting?