Stronger and Better Together: Joining Jesus in the Restoration of the World

Here is the truth: We are all heading into the future whether we want to or not! This is frightening for many people because the future seems fraught by ever more rapid change and turmoil. Yet we, in the Southern Ohio Synod, choose to embrace the future for that is where our Lord Jesus Christ awaits us.

What might our future look like? It will be shaped by our Values and our Vision, which were developed in 2015 through a grass roots effort that integrated the dreams of hundreds of people across the synod, along with the ideas of a core group of lay and rostered leaders, who served on a Visioning Team, resulting in a plan that looks to the future with great hope and faith.

Here is an exciting glimpse into what the Bishop of the Southern Ohio Synod could be reporting in the year 2025, as we move forward in living the Values and implementing this Vision. Indeed, we invite you to boldly embrace the future with us as we head into the future–Stronger and Better Together: Joining Jesus in the Restoration of the World.

Synod Visioning Document