Assess Your Realistic Online Worship Attendance
Have you been asking a similar question regarding your online worship? If so, Outside the Box Team member, Pastor Corey Wagonfield, created something just for you – a very helpful 5-minute video on how to dive deeper into Facebook and YouTube to determine your realistic online worship attendance. Just in time to fill out those parochial reports!
Sample Digital Strategy Development Process
Please note:
• This is the process LCR followed. It is an excellent example yet not the only way to approach developing a Digital Strategy.
• The points of view expressed in the document are those of LCR and not necessarily those of the Outside the Box Team or the Southern Ohio Synod.
• Approaching any digital strategy is a “team sport.” You are encouraged to partner with OTB and the Southern Ohio Synod.
• Names of LCR church members originally included in the document have been omitted for the sake of confidentiality.
The work of the SOS Outside the Box Team (OTB) is underwritten by The Thrive! Mission Campaign. For more information on Thrive! or the work of the Outside the Box Team, please contact