Protocols for the Coronavirus
– Please share with your congregations
Because we care…
The Ohio Department of Health recommends the following precautions. Click HERE to download a PDF of these precautions. Please share them with your congregation.
- Stay home when you are sick
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
- Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals
- Wash hands often with soap and water (20 seconds or longer)
- Dry hands with a clean towel or air dry your hands
- Cover cough with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands or after touching surfaces
- Clean and disinfect ‘high-touch’ surfaces often
- Call before visiting your doctor
- Practice good hygiene habits
It is also recommended to get the flu vaccine if you have not already done so as the flu can mimic symptoms of the Coronavirus.
Protocols regarding worship services and other gatherings should be the same as the influenza protocol your congregation has in place.
- Limit exposure by using an alternative to handshaking during the passing of the peace
- When possible provide an alternative way for members to participate in worship if they are ill
- Make sure those providing communion have washed their hands and are not ill themselves
For more information, please see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at
Or the Ohio Department of Health at