Living Purple – Lent 2024
New Southern Ohio Synod Resource for Lent 2024: Living Purple!
The Southern Ohio Synod Authentic Diversity, Inclusion, and Justice Team (ADIJ) has prepared a resource to be used in congregations and ministries this Lent, to help us expand our ability to have hard conversations with one another that are rooted deep within our faith.
Here is an excerpt from the introduction:
“We are saved, not through having the right politics or ideologies. We are saved by the grace of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All parts of our lives are to be seen through the eyes of faith.
Disciples of Jesus start with faith before politics. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to see our politics through the eyes of faith instead of our faith through the eyes of our politics. In doing so, we can find a common ground on which to live and engage with one another.
Dwelling on this common ground, we can repent of our fallenness, and we can engage in a way of communication that is faithful to God and honors the integrity of others.
This is what it means to Live Purple.”
This resource has a study for Ash Wednesday and each week during Lent that includes: Scripture, Discussion Questions, Additional resources for further study, and prayers to include during worship services to connect with this study.
Click here to access the full resource: