September 18: Creation Care and Community

Participating in God’s creative and sustaining work-

Your congregation can experience first-hand the awesome power of God’s ongoing creative force while healing the earth and engaging the community. Sound exciting? It is! September 18, 10am to 12 noon, online!

During this interactive workshop we will discuss one congregation’s awakening to earthkeeping through monarch butterfly conservation and the how the Spirit spiraled on from there. We will learn how these actions engaged the surrounding community and why congregations should fearlessly embrace the numerous scriptural references to creation care.

The presenters are all members of Christ the King Lutheran Church in West Chester, Ohio. Donna Pellegrin is the founder of Youth for Monarchs and a certificated Permaculture Designer. Laura Zajac is the Ministry Coordinator at Christ the King, and the director of Monarch Fest. Susan Fox is the Elder of Outreach as well as gardener for the church and a registered landscape architect.

Intro video:

Workshop materials:

Creation Care Resources

You can view the workshop here: Creation Care and Community