November 5: (RE)imagine Community
![November 5: (RE)imagine Community 1 cd9e0726 57b2 7657 aa24 214eafe345f6](
How do we dissolve the lines between our congregations and the community in which God has planted them?
How do we actively measure the engagement between our churches and the communities we serve?
Join us on Saturday, November 5th, at 9:30AM for the Southern Ohio Synod’s [RE]imagine Community Conference.
Hosted by Faith Lutheran Church (730 Collingwood Ave. Whitehall), this one-day laity-focused event will explore both how we reach out into our communities, and how to invite our community partners in to help us.
Bishop Yehiel Curry from the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, will be our keynote speaker sharing his experiences as a parish pastor and community organizer.
Bishop Curry’s comments will be followed by 3 panels. These panels will:
1) Highlight ministries across our synod that reach out and engage with their local communities
2) Ask community partners of Faith Whitehall “Why do you keep helping out a church with no desire to join?”
3) Provide resources for how attendees can reach out/invite in to order to build a stronger sense of community.
Lunch is included in your $15 registration fee, and will be served by Uncle Will’s Wagon, community partner of Faith Whitehall, who provides free meals for Faith’s monthly Taco Sunday program. Click here to register!