Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship, Leadership, Engagement Announcement

Mentzers Announcement
Dear Southern Ohio Synod,
Over the past 8 years, we have worked together under the vision Stronger and Better Together … Joining Jesus in the Restoration of the World. Within that vision, we have diligently followed God’s call to Collaborate, Cultivate, and Clarify. We have been faithful in collaborating together and cultivating new opportunities for ministry within our Synod.
I’m excited to announce one way we are focusing on clarifying our Synod’s role in the mission God has given us.
At the April 29, 2023 Southern Ohio Synod Council meeting, a call was extended for the position of Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship, Leadership, Engagement. I am excited to announce that the Revs. Tim & Connie Mentzer have accepted this call, beginning July 1, 2023. They will be introduced at this year’s Synod Assembly and installed at a later date.
Pastor Tim Mentzer will be working with congregations in the area of Discipleship Engagement. His call is a full-time call.
Pastor Connie Mentzer will be working with Leadership Engagement, Candidacy, and Recruitment of leaders, both lay and rostered. Her call is a part-time call.
The Assistant to the Bishop position is already funded through your generosity and Mission Support as reflected in the 2023-2024 Mission and Ministry Plan (revised) and the 2024-2025 Proposed Mission and Ministry Plan, which be voted on at this year’s Synod Assembly.
I am excited for how this new Assistant to the Bishop position will help us clarify how we continue sharing the good news of Jesus, strengthen our lay and rostered leaders through new ways of collaborating, and cultivate new opportunities and avenues for ministry.
Please keep them, as well as our entire Southern Ohio Synod staff, in prayer during this time of transition.
Short biographies are included below. They can’t wait to meet you!
In Christ,
Bishop Dillahunt


Pastor Tim Mentzer recently served as the Senior Pastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (Lancaster, PA) since May 2008. While serving in that call, he was an active leader in the community for renewal. He holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Speech Communication from Shippensburg University; a Master of Divinity Degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary; and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Duke University, with an emphasis in Practical Theology. His dissertation focused on the Church’s Mission with Millennials.
Pastor Connie Mentzer most recently served as Senior Pastor at Advent Lutheran Church (York, PA). A native Ohioan and a 1986 graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary, she has served congregations in urban, rural, and university settings. She received her Doctor of Ministry degree from Lancaster Theological SEminary in 2014, with the emphasis of Leadership Development for 21st Century Christianity, particularly on bivocational pastoral leadership.