An Easter Message from Bp. Suzanne Darcy Dillahunt
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.
(Luke 24:5b)
Christ is risen….indeed!
This simple Christian message gives us the promise of life and hope because of Jesus. It is a declaration that death is not the end. Jesus’ resurrection is the word of life, the promise of forgiveness, grace and salvation. Jesus is alive! The Word made flesh and living among us is not just at Christmas.
Easter has arrived after the days of Lent and Holy Week. The Good News of what God has done for you and me, in raising Jesus from the dead, gives us a new relationship with God. We have HOPE and LIFE. In the middle of death and loss, God shows up. In the middle of heartache and destruction, God shows up. In the middle of death and school shootings, God shows up. In the middle of pain, suffering, questioning, hurt, sorrows of being human and living everyday in a sinful world, God shows up. God shows up in Jesus Christ.
The women encountered angels at the empty tomb with the news that Jesus lived. They didn’t keep quiet…they told others. They became the MESSENGERS of hope in a world that was consumed by division and violence. Let us join their witness to proclaim the good news that: Christ is risen indeed! Amen.
In Christ,
Bishop Dillahunt