An Easter Message from Bp. Dillahunt
Christ is Risen!
Dear Southern Ohio Synod,
Happy Easter and God’s blessings be with you, particularly on this day that shapes our faith and who we are as people of God.
I have a question for you to ponder before you continue reading: Where is Jesus meeting you today?
As people of God today, we can loudly shout Jesus is alive, dwelling with and within us. The promises we heard over and over at Christmas, that God was arriving to dwell among us as Emmanuel are still true. Even after suffering and dying, Jesus is risen. Because of Jesus, we have life and salvation. Death is defeated!
As people of God today, we can loudly sing hymns and worship songs that share of God’s love and salvation for us and all of creation. Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia!
As people of God today, we are called to share this good news of God’s love through Jesus with the world, those who have heard this story over and over and those who are hearing the story for the first time. Our words and our actions tell the world the difference it makes that we worship a active and living God, one who showed up as a baby as the Savior of the world, one who continues to empower us through the Holy Spirit.
Check out John 20:11-18.
In this story, the disciples may have been afraid and locked behind closed doors in fear of something, but because we know this story thousands of years later, we know that somehow someone told someone else who told someone else, etc. We know Mary left the tomb in wonder and excitement, sharing the good news that Jesus was alive. Later in the Gospel according to John, the risen Jesus shows up to the disciples, reminding them that they have been called and sent to share this story with the world. Jesus reminds them that this story makes a difference because it brings salvation, forgiveness, and unconditional love for all of creation. This story brings a relationship with God through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.
Remember that question from earlier?: Where is Jesus meeting you today?
Where are you shouting, singing, and sharing the good news that Christ is risen?
Just as it did for the disciples, Easter means you are bringing the Gospel message of God’s love in Jesus to everyone you meet. You are Christ’s presence when you show up and therefore you are the herald of Hope, Grace, Love and Joy in Christ.
Happy Easter!
Christ is risen, indeed!
In Christ,
+ Bishop Dillahunt