A faithful, life-giving Stewardship ministry doesn’t just happen. It requires intentionality!
- Is your stewardship ministry—as it should be—a foundational ministry in moving your congregation forward in mission?
- Is it growing your congregation’s sense of congregational vitality?
- Is it helping both leaders and members to better understand your congregation’s purpose in God’s mission in your community?
- Is it helping you to articulate your congregation’s mission and vision so that everyone knows where your faith community is headed?
- Are you effectively stewarding your leadership and people resources as well as your financial ministry?
- Are you taking effective steps now to plan for your congregation’s financial future?
Thanks to Thrive!, SOS congregations can learn how to take their stewardship ministry to the next level, addressing all of these questions through Stewardship for All Seasons, a two-year program offered by GSB Fundraising under the expert guidance of Pastor Mike Ward.
We continue to receive rave reviews from participants who are delighted by the combination of small group training with individual consultation (especially with the design of each congregation’s annual appeal). While some were at first hesitant at the cost ($2,000 for each of the two years after the Thrive! subsidy), all of our participating congregations (both small and large) agree that this investment is rewarded by positive results, starting in the very first year.
A new cohort is forming now and will begin soon. Reach out to Pastor Katie Kerrigan if your congregation is interested or if you’d like further information about this amazing program.