The Hunger Task Force
The Hunger Task Force is active throughout our synod all year long, because hunger never sleeps, nor does it take a holiday.
This group of rostered ministers and lay people have a passion for the hungry, homeless and under-represented in our society—locally and around the world.
Each winter, the task force conducts a Congregational Hunger Leaders Day in which seasoned and new hunger leaders from our synod gather to hear from national hunger leaders, learn from one another, and take back actionable items to start, continue and increase hunger advocacy in our congregations.
Other programs and fundraising events supported by the Hunger Task Force and carried out by many of our congregations include the Souperbowl of Caring, A Potlucks to End World Hunger, and the Hunger Education curriculum.
For more information about hunger ministries and advocacy in the ELCA please visit the ELCA World Hunger web page.