Disaster Response Task Force
Pr. Jim Dinkel, Chair
The Disaster Response Task Force works with Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) at a national level and at a local level. Our goal is to have every congregation in the Southern Ohio Synod prepare and maintain a disaster response plan. Additionally, we are working with Lutheran Social Services to offer Disaster Planning training, so we can have teams of people all over our synod ready and willing to serve our neighbors in our synod, our state, and in our country when disasters strike.
Please contact John Pyron, Director of Disaster Response, to arrange for a training session to be held in your area or for more information about how your congregation can be ready when a disaster strikes. He can be reached at 937-540-2507 or jpyron@lssco.org.
Resource materials are available below:
Preparing for Disaster – A Guide for Lutheran Congregations
ELCA Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns
Any time Lutherans help their neighbors in need following a disaster, they are being Lutheran Disaster Response for their community. You and your congregation can serve in important ways immediately when a disaster happens. Here are some suggested ways to serve:
- Organize Volunteers
- Open your Doors
- Hold a Special Service
- Provide Spiritual or Pastoral Care