Creative Communications
Creative Communications Website
Creative Communications for the Parish is an ecumenical Christian publishing company based in St. Louis since its founding in 1977. Its packages appear in the mailboxes of many Southern Ohio parishes in time for planning for the major seasons of the church year. They have everything from devotional booklets to liturgies for special services like Thanksgiving Eve containing special hymns, and even a sermon to fit the liturgy. This is a mailing list that it pays to be on. Their own description of their catalogs follows.
“Creative’s catalogs, delivered with dozens of colorful samples, include a plethora of Christian print and electronic media products, many of them created by the editorial staff of Creative Communications. For over three decades, Creative’s authors have produced a large body of original hymn texts, devotional writings and liturgical services. Authors published by Creative have included Rev. Arden Mead, C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen, Frederick Buechner, John Henry Newman, Dr. Martin Marty, and Walter Wangerin.”
Creative Communications for the Parish, 1564 Fencorp Drive, Fenton, MO 63026
Toll-free: 800-325-9414