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“They got so much out of the workshop and really appreciated Pastor Walters’ insights,” wrote Pastor Laura Shreffler of Peace Lutheran, Georgetown, regarding the experience of several council members who attended the recent Effective Church Councils workshop sponsored by Thrive!. “So, thanks to Pastor Walters and to Thrive! for making this available,” she continued. “We look forward to presenting the information at our next council meeting.”

Peace is one of the many congregations that have held Thrive! campaigns, helping us surpass one million dollars in commitments that will allow our synod to do things not possible with regular mission support. Peace also numbers among the dozens of congregations benefitting from Thrive! 

“We purchased a MEVO camera with our grant,” explained Pastor Shreffler. (The grant came from Thrive after Peace took part in a Mentoring Session on digital ministry given by the synod’s Outside the Box Team.) “We hope to livestream sometime this year. This will restore a lot of my time, as our videos take time!” 

Thrive! is bringing restoration to many congregations of the Southern Ohio Synod. Holding a Thrive! Campaign in your congregation will help us do even more. Here’s how you can take part:

  1. Contact Pastor Larry Donner who will help you plan your Thrive! campaign. 
  2. Recruit a 3-to-5-person team of people committed to mission to lead your campaign. 
  3. Take campaign training with Pastor Donner either in person or online.
  4. Share information about Thrive! with your congregation and give every household an opportunity to make a commitment, as they choose.

Thanks, Pastor Shreffler and members of Peace Lutheran. Be restored!