Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Kettering): Invitational Vision

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After focused planning and coordinating, the Congregation Council at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Kettering) approved a Strategic Plan that indicated the congregation intends to grow into becoming an inviting congregation. The plan was approved by Council to be monitored for progress with intentional action steps developed by Commissioners to become an inviting congregation over the next 3 – 5 years.

Starting the process, Pastor Jamie Vannoy reached out to Pastor Katie Kerrigan, who recommended Dave Daubert’s book, The Invitational Christian. Pastor Vannoy read it and passed it on to leadership to have a common understanding of being inviting. The Congregation Council and Commissioners plannned a retreat based on the book to have a extended time to delve into the conversations about where we are and where we want to grow. Pam Bauser, one of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church’s Commissioners, reached out to Pastor Kerrigan to ask about finding someone to help us facilitate the retreat sessions based on Daubert’s book. Without hesitation, she enthusiastically volunteered to join our journey – truly an answer to prayer! Together we set the schedule with worship, fellowship, and interactive sessions to encourage meaningful conversations among a diverse group of leaders.

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On October 28-29, 24 members of our congregation gathered. With Pastor Kerrigan’s leadership, we experienced God’s presence in our worship, fellowship, and conversations. She launched us well to continue to observe and act in ways that will allow us to develop a culture of being an invitational congregation.

We are most appreciative of Pastor Kerrigan’s many talents shared with us on behalf of the Southern Ohio Synod. Please know what a blessing Pastor Kerrigan’s services have been and will continue to be.

Thank you and the Southern Ohio Synod for making such connections possible!