Effective Congregation Councils
THRIVE! PRESENTS: EFFECTIVE CONGREGATION COUNCIL WORKSHOP By popular demand, we are offering a return engagement of the Effective Congregation Councils on Monday, August 30th at 7:00 pm –– funded by the Thrive! Campaign. This is an ONLINE workshop designed for all council members and rostered leaders. Church leaders should attend to increase skills in: ADVANCE REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Register no later than August 26th by sending an email to Thrive@SouthernOhioSynod.org and including the name, phone number, email address, and leadership role (e.g.; President; council member; pastor) of each attendee. A Zoom invitation will be sent to each registrant two days prior to the workshop. WORKSHOP LEADER: Pastor Mike Ward, CFRE—Partner with GSB Fundraising. Mike studies best practices of non-profit boards and applies those practices to congregation councils. His passion for this topic is related to his desire for organizations to thrive in their fundraising, and that without effective boards leading the organization, the funding of those organizations will naturally struggle. Mike is a 1997 graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary and has served on the board of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network and on the ELCA Church Council.