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At the most recent Synod Council meeting (September 10, 2022), voting members from the 2022 Churchwide Assembly and Synod Council members shared some of their impressions of this year’s assembly, held within our Synod.

Voting Members were excited about being together in worship and plenary.  Yes, even doing business can be fun when you’re with 900 people!  There was excitement and anticipation in the room.


For many, worship is a highlight when over 1000 people come together to praise God. Each voting member received a complimentary copy of All Creation Sings, courtesy of 1517 Media, which was used to guide our worship services as well as our singing and praying between elections and voting during our plenary sessions. We had the opportunity to be led by phenomenal musicians from across the ELCA, to help us learn music that was new to many of us. Experiencing different kinds of worship services helps show our diversity and unity in Jesus Christ.

On behalf of the entire ELCA, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton offered an apology to Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina, a worshiping community to a Latiné community within the Sierra Pacific Synod. Members of this community were able to join us in person, while others gathered online to receive the apology and to create a commitment that moves forward on the path of reconciliation. This was a somber and gracious experience to witness as we begin this road of reconciliation together. As the apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:26: If one member [of the body of Christ] suffers, all suffer together with it.

The Holy Spirit was palpable throughout the assembly as we discerned the most faithful way forward, to live faithfully as the church God has called together and to be the church the world needs. One of our Synod Council members commented on this by saying: “There were so many things at the Churchwide Assembly that made me grateful that God led me to the Lutheran tradition … when we say we’re inclusive, we’re inclusive.” Throughout the assembly, it was clear there is a need to change and adapt so that we can reach those not yet here with us, (those whose primary language is not English, those who have disabilities, young adults, the LGBTQIA2S+ community), because that is our call: to be and make disciples. This is how we are stronger and better together … joining Jesus in the restoration of the world.

During the Churchwide Assembly, a member of our Synod was approached by the Greater Columbus Convention Center staff to ask, “You all are so nice. When will you all be back again?” What an amazing witness to the love of God was shared by our volunteers, voting members, Synod staff, and Churchwide staff. We are grateful for the gracious hospitality of the Greater Columbus Convention center’s staff as they cared for us during the assembly.

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And, we are especially grateful for our volunteers who helped in-person and everyone else who held the assembly in prayer during the weeks leading up to the assembly, during, and afterwards as everyone traveled home. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The work of the 2022 Churchwide Assembly is not completed. We are a church that lives out as 3 different and interwoven expressions: our Churchwide office, our Synods, and our congregations.The ELCA is continuing to hear and respond to God’s call so that the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ is proclaimed. We are a denomination that is stronger and better together … joining Jesus in the restoration of the world.

To read a full summary report of the actions of the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, click here.