The Southern Ohio Synod is pleased to provide congregations, rostered ministers, lay leaders and members of our congregations with communication tools, publications and resources to assist with your growth and ministry efforts.

Materials and links found in this section of our website are for your use and distribution.  Please keep the copyright information on all materials when distributing.

If you need a resource and don’t see it in this section or if you have a resource and would like to share it with others in the synod, please contact Pastor Rebecca Grate, Storyteller and Media Ambassador at or 614.714.3157.

When asked to speak on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or the Southern Ohio Synod what do we do?

  • Bishop Eaton is the official spokesperson for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
  • Bishop Dillahunt is the official spokesperson for the Southern Ohio Synod (SOS)
  • Any pastor or congregation may reference what the ELCA releases on Facebook or through the website of the ELCA.  It may be shared but not altered.
  • Any pastor or congregation may reference what the SOS releases on Facebook or through the website of the SOS or an email.  It may be shared but not altered.
  • As pastor on the roster of the ELCA/SOS, you may not speak on behalf of the ELCA/SOS unless there is an official statement that you refer to.  You may offer your opinion as your opinion.
  • Rostered Ministers may sign on to petitions, online statements, etc. as a representative of themselves only. They may not sign on to anything as a representative of the ELCA or SOS.

Finally, don’t ever feel pressured to make a statement. You are not obligated to speak to the media about any issue. If you choose to do so, refer to the guidelines above and think about your statement fully before speaking.

If in doubt, contact Pastor Rebecca Grate, Storyteller and Media Ambassador at or 614.714.3157.

Editorial Policies of the Southern Ohio Synod

Please download the PDF document below, which outlines the Southern Ohio Synod’s editorial policies and our email and mailing address sharing policies.

Editorial Policies of the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA